by Norm Dasenbrook | Feb 26, 2017 | Counseling Private Practice, Counseling Private Practice Marketing
Teletherapy: More to it than you think! Telemental health, teletherapy, telebehavioral health or whatever label is used, I am talking about the use of technology where we can treat clients at a distance, comply with HIPAA and get paid for it. Depending upon which...
by Norm Dasenbrook | Jul 25, 2016 | Counseling Private Practice, Counseling Private Practice Marketing
Move from Forming, Storming, Norming to Performing. I spoke to a practice group composed of large practice owners in the Chicago area on how to help their practices move from forming, storming, norming to performing. One crucial component of moving through the stages...
by Norm Dasenbrook | May 19, 2016 | Counseling Private Practice, Counseling Private Practice Marketing
Credit/Debt Cards and HSA Accounts Q: I haven’t been accepting cards as form of payment. Now I would like to. I didn’t realize there were so many different options to choose from. I really would like one that is very user friendly and low on cost. What do...
by Norm Dasenbrook | Mar 25, 2016 | Counseling Private Practice, Counseling Private Practice Marketing
The successful mental health professional in private practice is not only well trained, but understands that private practice is a business. Yes, a business! If you had a product or widget for sale that could help a child communicate better with a parent, diagnose...
by Norm Dasenbrook | Mar 25, 2016 | Counseling Private Practice, Mental Health Insurance
Counseling Private Practice Marketing Tip # 3 Verify Client Insurance Benefits: Self-Protection, Enabling or Marketing? Wait! Why is this Marketing tip #3? Where is Marketing tip #1 and #2? Relax you did not miss anything. Marketing tips #1 & #2: The “Two...