by Norm Dasenbrook | Oct 25, 2021 | Counseling Private Practice
I am frequently asked about what to do and when to do it. So, I have developed a timeline on what to do before you see a client. Now Business/confidence Mindset: Successful therapists in private practice have confidence, believe in themselves and have adopted a...
by Norm Dasenbrook | Mar 19, 2020 | Counseling Private Practice, Counseling Private Practice Marketing
Private Practice Checklist Handout In my seminars and consulting I am always asked if I had a checklist mental health professionals could use to know what they need to consider in starting a start a successful private practice, so here it is! Private Practice ✓ ...
by Norm Dasenbrook | Jan 20, 2020 | Counseling Private Practice
Stephen Covey’s, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”’ published almost 20 years ago is still relevant today. Covey’s 2nd habit, is based on the ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. It is based on the principle that all...
by Norm Dasenbrook | Jan 20, 2020 | Counseling Private Practice
Every licensed counselor in private practice needs to have procedures in place detailing what will happen to current clients and records should the professional leave the practice, die, retire or become disabled and unable to practice. The American Counseling...
by Norm Dasenbrook | Sep 19, 2018 | Counseling Private Practice, Counseling Private Practice Marketing
According to,” balance billing occurs when providers bill a patient for the difference between the amount they charge and the amount that the patient’s insurance pays”. Sometimes it’s legal and sometimes it isn’t. It is not legal to bill a client the...